Construction of Grigoleti-Kobuleti bypass road starts
18 October, 2017 00:00:00
Roads Department opened technical and financial proposals for the international bidding announced for the construction of Grigoleti-Kobuleti bypass section (Lot I) under E70 highway. A total of 8 companies submitted technical proposals.  ...
Statement of Roads Department of Georgia
15 October, 2017 00:00:00
Based on information of the Roads Department, due to weather deterioration throughout Georgia and expected snow in mountainous regions, Roads Department encourages all drivers moving towards mountainous regions, including owners of transit vehicles, to use winter tire...
Construction of a new bridge in Kazbegi muicipality will be completed before the deadline
13 October, 2017 00:00:00
Roads Department will complete construction works of a new bridge crossing located on the dry ravine at km 113 of Mtskheta-Stepantsminda-Larsi road, in the village of Kobi, Kazbegi municipality, before the deadline. Instead of an e...
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