Representatives of Roads Department visited Dariali gorge and surveyed the situation on place
17 May, 2014 00:00:00
ს Chairman of Roads Department of Georgia, David Shavliashvili, First Deputy Chairman Nugzar Gasviani along with the  Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia, Elguja Khokrishvili  and Deputy Minister, George Amashukeli and Head...
Statement of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure
16 May, 2014 00:00:00
Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia and Roads Department of Georgia conduct the social survey for the development of Tbilisi bypass road and for determine the intensity and directions. Tbilisi bypass road’s project is im...
Construction works of Kutaisi Bypass road –Samtredia road will be completed in summer
15 May, 2014 00:00:00
Works related to upgrading of road network in line with modern standards are actively progressing.  Modernization-reconstruction projects of E-60 (Poti-Tbilisi-Red Bridge) and E-70 (Poti-Batumi-Sarpi) highways represent high priority for the government.  Cur...
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